
Innisfail Art Deco style building 因尼斯费尔的艺术装饰风格建筑群

什么是艺术装饰风格建筑群 (what is Art Deco style)?

装饰艺术风格(法语:Art Decoratifs,简称:Art Deco),也翻译“装饰艺术”、“艺术装饰风格”装饰艺术”是一种重装饰的艺术風格,同时影响了建筑设计的风格,它的名字来源于1925年在巴黎举行的“现代工业和装饰艺术博览会”(Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes)。

因尼斯费尔(Innisfail)的艺术装饰风格建筑群,是澳大利亚艺术装饰风格建筑的中心。艺术装饰风格(Art Deco)是在文艺复兴建筑基础上发展起来的,一种建筑和装饰风格。艺术装饰风格(Art Deco)演变,自十九世纪末的新艺术(Art Nouveau)运动,新艺术运动是当时欧美中产阶级追求的一种艺术风格,它的主要特点是,以感性的自然界优美线条,色彩运用方面,及以明亮且对比强烈的的颜色来彩绘,具有强烈的装饰意图。典型的例子是,美国曼哈顿的克赖斯勒大楼(Chrysler Building) 与帝国大厦 (Empire State Building) ,其共同的特色是,有着丰富的线条装饰与逐层退缩结构的轮廓。除了这些举世闻名的建筑物外,还有金字塔状的教堂。都因其寓意式的装饰或花纹状的浮雕而被称作Art Deco建筑。艺术装饰风格(Art Deco)其实是1920年代早期就在欧洲流行的一种风格, Art Deco要等到1920年至1930年代才在英、美和澳洲风行,到了1960年代又再一次的流行起来。Art Deco 也普遍被认为是现代主义(Modernism)早期的一种形式。

Innisfail claims to be The Art Deco Capital of Australia, and this came about because of the vagaries of nature. As one of Australia’s wettest towns, Innisfail was hit by a devastating cyclone in 1918 and had to be rebuilt. It was rebuilt in the art deco style, a style popularized after World War 1. It was again severely hit when Cyclone Larry struck the town in 2006 causing enormous damage, but this gave the town the opportunity to be revitalized and preserved.

Innisfail is a very multicultural town, and this can be seen in the Art Deco architecture and Streamline Moderne architecture. You can see examples of the multiculturalism of the town in the different styles of Art Deco like Spanish, Sicilian, Moroccan, and the Italian facades.

This is an amazing part of the world. There are World Heritage Rainforests, Wetlands, the Great Barrier Reef, sugar cane farms and a lot more. To have an art deco place just adds to the diversity of Tropical North Queensland.

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